Version: en

100 Player Battle Royale Sample

This config file configures the matchmaking logic for a 100 player Battle Royale game with the following criteria:

  • All players will be matched in a single team.
  • The matchmaking logic will create a match only if there is a minimum of 50 players.
  • The maximum number of players put together in a team will be 100.
  • Players will only match with other players in a match if their Skill is within 200 points of each other.
  • Players will only match with other players in a match if their Cheater field is the same.

Config File#

"Matchmaking": {
"Name": "100p-battle-royale",
"TargetFunction": {
"Name": "rule-based"
"Config": {
"Name": "100p-battle-royale",
"DefaultQoSRegion": "0000-0000-0000-0000",
"MatchDefinition": {
"MatchRules": [
{ "Type": "Difference", "Source": "Ticket.Data.Skill", "Reference": 200 },
{ "Type": "Equality", "Source": "Ticket.Data.Cheater" }
"Teams": [
"Name": "Main Team",
"TeamCount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 1 },
"PlayerCount": { "Min": 50, "Max": 100 }
"TicketTimeoutMs": 60000

Ticket Sample#

Base-64 encoded field values#

"Properties": {
"Players": "W3siSWQiOiAiUGxheWVyMSJ9XQ==",

The decoded contents of the above fields are:#

"Players": [{"Id": "Player1"}]
"Data": {"Skill": 432.0, "Cheater": "true"}