Important: Texture Blending mode requires special shaders to work. If you're not able to paint textures on a mesh, apply one of the included materials (see below for a chart) to your model and try again.


Texture Painting mode enables painting and blending of multiple textures, similar to Terrain painting but much more customizable.

Polybrush includes a few different blend materials to get you started:

Name Description Path
Standard Texture Blend A PBR enabled material with support for blending up to 12 different textures. ProCore/Polybrush/Materials/Standard Texture Blend
Standard Texture Blend Bump A PBR enabled material with support for blending up to 4 different textures with normal maps. ProCore/Polybrush/Materials/Standard Texture Blend Bump
TriPlanar Texture Blend A PBR enabled material with support for blending up to 4 textures and automatically projects UV coordinates. ProCore/Polybrush/Materials/TriPlanar Texture Blend
TriPlanar Texture Blend Legacy A Blinn-Phong lighting pipeline (legacy) material with support for blending up to 4 textures and automatically projects UV coordinates. ProCore/Polybrush/Materials/TriPlanar Texture Blend Legacy
Unlit Texture Blend A simple unlit material with support for blending up to 6 textures. ProCore/Polybrush/Materials/Unlit Texture Blend

Custom Shaders

Textures are applied using a combination of some or all of the following attributes: [ UV0, UV2, UV3, UV3, Color, Tangent ]. This information is defined by the shader and is just 2 extra lines in your shader code (more on that later).

If you'd like to write your own texture blending shaders, see the Writing Texture Blending Shaders document for more information on how that works.


Select any mesh object with a compatible material, enter Texture Blend mode, then click and drag while hovering over the selected mesh.

Polybrush will show a warning if the mesh you're hovering doesn't support texture blending. See Writing Texture Blend Shaders for more detailed information on compatible shaders. If you're not comfortable writing shaders, you can just use one of Polybrush's included Texture Blend materials.

Texture Blend Mode Settings

Brush Type

Setting Description
Brush Colors are applied smoothly across Certices
Fill Colors are applied to Faces
Flood Colors are applied to the entire Object

Texture Selection

Polybrush will automatically detect what textures are available per-material and display them as a selection grid. To select a brush texture, click on one of the textures in the grid.

Your currently selected texture will be shown with a green bar under it's preview.